Sid and the Pig

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

2 weeks and forging forward!!

It is hard to believe but the twins are 2 weeks old today. News from the neo-natal unit is that the boys may be able to come home at the end of the week, 6 weeks before their due date!

I will be staying over at the hospital tomorrow and Thursday night and if I can prove that I am capable of looking after the boys for 48 hours straight then they will allow them to come home. While this is wonderful news, it is also quite scary and I can only hope that it all works out quite well.

In terms of development the boys are really moving at lightning speed. They are both latching to the breast like champs and I am feeding them exclusively during the day (and will be breast feeding at night while I'm staying at the hospital). Although best for them, this is proving to be quite exhausting so I have also started introducing a bottle although I continue to express milk so that we don't have to move them over to formula to soon.

All in all the whole experience has been a lot less traumatic than we expected, I guess we were definately the lucky ones.

Happy 2-week birthday boys! Mum and dad love you loads!


Tuesday, June 13, 2006

A week already...

So a week has gone by and the boys have progressed in leaps and bounds.

From being helped with their breathing, to being under lamps for their jaundice to being kept in incubators purely to help them to regulate their temperature they are now (as you can see on the left) out and in a cot together.

And mighty cute they look too. They are still a little too small for their clothes, but that just adds to the effect.

Weight-wise, Thomas is almost back up to his birth weight. Nathan is still smaller and is gaining weight slower. They are both feeding well especially Nathan who seems to be a bit of a breast man (I know... that sounds so wrong).

Their increased robustness also means that they get regular cuddles from their mam and dad. So I'll break the even - handed, one - picture - each rule just this once to show you a picture of Nathan as his dad sees him. Bless his little cottons.

Oh and before I forget the most important person in this whole process - mum is also doing well. She was discharged from hospital on Friday and had her stitches removed on Sunday. Yesterday I had to try and stop her lugging bin bags around.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The number of the beast(s)

At long last and after quite a few scary moments along the way, Nathan and Thomas Richardson - Waller arrived today at 9:50am and 9:47am respectively. Nathan was 3.7lbs, Thomas was 4.1lbs.

Mum is fine but knackered. Dad is knackered and a bit bewildered. Not much energy to write, so will leave you with a couple of pics.

On the left is Thomas being weighed barely minutes after being born. Unlike his brother, he cried as he came out - which made his Mum and Dad cry a little (we'd been told that they would probably be too sick). Later on, he needed a bit of help breathing but is doing well.

On the right is Nathan, looking at his Dad for the first time. Nathan struggled a bit when he was first born, but is now - if anything - doing better than his brother.

Mum is knackered and recovering from the C-Section. Both boys are in the neo-natal unit and doing a lot better than expected.